Homeing from Work | Home Office

Since 2009, CG Joinery has been delivering Garden Rooms and Homes throughout the island of Ireland and the UK, so we’ve learnt a thing or two about the ideal space and the benefits of having one.

Home working

Covid 19 has proposed a hybrid working scenario, therefore ‘working from home’ has become common practice for a lot of people. And we have delivered plenty of home office projects making us the perfect point of contact to kickstart your project.

Shifting to a remote working set up has left a lot of people feeling trapped in their job. With the temptations of checking emails and working longer hours, there’s no disconnect between home and office life. 

Working from home, or homeing from work?

A garden room is the perfect dedicated workspace. The kitchen table no longer needs to double up as a desk. It physically and mentally detaches you from your home life so you can focus on your days’ work without household disruptions, and be able to clock off at 5pm, close the door behind you and not think about it until the next working day, helping you create the perfect work/life balance. 

Multi Functional Space

We’ve noticed a shift in the home office trend with more and more of our customers making it a multifunctional office space by adding gym equipment. Work doesn’t need to be the only focus of an office space all the time, it could be used for working out also. Get the most out of your space and get your steps in at the same time.

Design how you like

Your home office designed and curated bespoke for you. Whether you’d like to create a sense of calm or a motivational environment, you can transform the space into whatever you’d like.

Natural Lighting

Our garden rooms capture lots of natural light, with large sliding doors to the front you can position your desk to ensure you are making the most of it. 

What we offer

At CG Joinery, we offer a wide range of sizes to suit your space, whether you would like a bigger office space or something a little more cosy to create your own working bubble, we can adjust our sizing to suit your needs. 

To start commuting again (to your garden), get in touch with us or visit out show room to get your home office project started. 

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